Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A busy day on the Blog + SWF

Now that the weather is good, shooting is back in full swing and with that comes editing! Argh. The bane of every photographer. There are times when I enjoy it...seeing my 'vision' unfold in front of me and looking back on good times! But I would much rather be shooting. This is one of those weeks I need to edit all day, every day and get caught up on my work - so glad it is raining today cuz it makes it easier to be stuck inside.

So one of the shoots I am editing is of my friend, Becky. She indulged me one evening....being a bit of guinea pig as I test out some new equipment. She just bought a fabulous new dress that inspired a 40's pin-up girl type shoot. What a hoot we had that night - even with the 'interesting' on-lookers! And thank you, Alyssa for helping me out that night! There will be more shoots to come and we still have your images to go thru as well!

OH, and one last note on these images...boys, scratch that, MEN, she's single!