Congratulations to Gillian & Justin married at the beautiful Olde Stone Church at Beaverton on Thanksgiving Weekend. Gillian grew up across the road and walked to the church, accompanied by some handsome fireman who stopped the traffic! Gillian even went around the cemetary and had a toast at her Grandfather's graveside! The day was so beautiful, the light was gorgeous and we got some great shots around the cemetary, the old headstones and then off to a neighbouring farm for some more beautiful images! It was a great day, accompanied by a great party in the evening! And check out that cake! Justin is a ski instructor - and proposed to Jill on the slopes!
Alicia & Kevin!!! What can I say? We had a great time together. Fun & loving family and a small crowd that could really rock the house! And you gave me so much time for pictures. The beach....I'm just in love with the serenity of the shots there! And your Grandpa's stuff! Congratulations!
Lindsay, Ontario, serving Central Ontario & the GTA
I have a mop of curly blonde hair, which blows in my face & makes me that much cuter, so my husband says. I have one son, who is now taller than his mother! Yikes. I often shoot perched on a stool for all you tall people!
I fly by the seat of my pants when I take your pictures.
Wanna come fly with me?