M & M's wedding took place at the gorgeous Lake View Park in Oshawa & the Jubilee Pavilion. The weather was hot & humid & storms, mostly, kept rolling by us throughout the day. I say mostly, because during dinner the lights went out briefly and when we looked outside, it was chaos. High winds had brought down trees right in front of the pavilion, along with large hail & heavy rains! Crazy!
The bride & groom had all 8 of their neices & nephews in the wedding party and they were soooo well behaved. I was very impressed! Some of them even got up & said poems for the bride & groom. Too cute!
So, Trista calls and says she wants to wear her dress just one more time!! I said, 'are you game for anything...even a swim?' "yes" she says, and the rest, is history! What a blast!!
Special thank you to Alyssa for helping me out!!
The truth about Tanya & Trista....they are really aliens from another planet, only noticeable in their reflections!! LOL
Another day with the ever expanding O'Rourke family! What an awesome family, 3 beautiful boys and lots of fun...but do not be fooled by those charming faces! Mom is sorely outnumbered- perhaps there will be a girl in the mix someday?
Lindsay, Ontario, serving Central Ontario & the GTA
I have a mop of curly blonde hair, which blows in my face & makes me that much cuter, so my husband says. I have one son, who is now taller than his mother! Yikes. I often shoot perched on a stool for all you tall people!
I fly by the seat of my pants when I take your pictures.
Wanna come fly with me?